Monday, March 30, 2009

I just can't STAND it!!

I have a question for everyone:

What's you're pet peeve? That thing you can't stand! The thing that when it happens there's fingernails going down the blackboard of your soul and your hair stands on end and you want to scream and throw a mattress across the room. (Wow, what great imagery. I should be a writer. ;) ) 

Answer in the comments just below this blog. You don't have to register to comment. (Although, if you want to keep up with my blog by all means sign up as a follower! I'm leaving facebook so if you want to keep in touch with me and see pics and what not, this is the place to do it!)

I'll post one of my pet peeves here to get the ball rolling. 

I'd have to say, philosophically speaking, I'm my biggest pet peeve. When I prevent myself from doing something I have every right to do because I want to avoid the reaction of other people. Instead of taking an example from my own life I'll take one from my dad's. He won't eat in front of people at work because he hates to have people question what he's eating. (Although, seeing as he's been clogging his arteries, maybe they were just trying to save his life. J/K dad!) I talked this over with my husband the other day, this not wanting to be questioned pet peeve. He told me that people just want a reason. Once they have one they're satisfied and back off. 

But you see, I borrow a jack, as my mom says. I think "but what if I give them a reason and they don't like my reason. Then they tell me I should be doing this or that different and I have to back up my reason, even though it's none of their business and it's no skin off their back if I'm eating italian sausages with raman noodles and hot sauce and a side of boiled pickled eggs. Why can't they just accept it and move on?!" When really, people are more laid back that I tend to give them credit for. It's the "what if--" that will kill ya, you know. You can't live on what if's. You just have to live your life. If you're always afraid of a vague what if you won't live, you'll be hiding. Which is what I keep having to tell myself and it's what I keep not listening to and so I become my own pet peeve.

Oh, and I can't stand Celine Dion. Look, hun, if it hurts that bad to sing, do yourself (and us) a favor and stop doing it. 

What's your pet peeve?


  1. Horray for blogs! I also think that facebook is too out of control. Way to simplify your life! Speaking of which, a pet peeve of mine is getting facebook friend requests from people you've only met once or people who only know your siblings, but have never met you. That is my biggest pet peeve... that, and American Idol. It's gorified kareoke that's gone on 4 seasons too long! Sorry if you're a fan. I just needed to get that off my chest. By the way, how are you doing?!

  2. I can't stand American Idol! What I hate worse than American Idol, is how Fox keeps reporting on it during the news! It's like, Hello! I missed it on purpose!
