Monday, June 30, 2008

The Eighth Deadly Sin

We've all heard of Sloth and Lust and Greed and all those old Deadly Sins.  But what the authors of the Seven Deadly Sins failed to take into account was that some day the internet would be invented and there would be a need to tack on a new Deadly Sin.  I am, of course, referring to Blogging.  

In fact, Blogging is such a bad sin, that it would go at the beginning of the list of Deadly Sins. 


Just as there are corresponding virtues to counter the original Seven, there is a virtue that can keep you pure from the most mortal sin of Blogging: Not Blogging.

Not Blogging

We can see from this that lowest you can ever get is to Blog, which will put you in the deepest circle of Hell, and the highest most noble cause you can pursue is to Not Blog, which will put you right up there guarding the Gates of Heaven with St. Peter. 

So what does this mean for me, sitting here Blogging?  Well, I'm ok with ending up in the deepest circle of Hell. I take comfort knowing that by just reading my blog you'll be dragged strait down with me.  

Which means I'll see you all in Hell!  Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Glous- Glouster? Aw whatever!

Here's an amusing anecdote for y'all:

My dad likes to think he knows all.  Don't get me wrong, he knows a lot.  But when it comes to certain subjects he thinks he's top dog.  (Never let him talk you into a game of *Huggermugger. He's the only one that has fun.  Stupid word game....)  Shakespeare is one of those subjects.  

Well, one day I was watching some educational t.v. (oh come on, like you never do it!) and there was a show that took a Shakespeare play and analyzed it, broke it down, told you what was going on in understandable english, that kind of thing.  Well, I caught an episode about King Lear.  I forget all the details, but anyway, I found the whole thing very fascinating, so when I went to pick up my dad from work, I was telling him all about it.  (He likes to sing that song from Kiss Me Kate "Brush Up Your Shakespeare".  He's so the top dog with Shakespeare that he even knows songs about Shakespeare that give reasons to have Shakespearean quotes on hand.)

Anyway, I just happened to bring up about Gloucester getting his eyes gabbed out. (Sorry, I guess I should have put a spoiler up!)

And my dad stopped me, and said, "No, King Lear got his eyes gabbed out." 

A heated debate ensued which ended with my dad making a bet.  If it was in fact (which he insisted it was) King Lear, I had to pay him a dollar.  If I was right, which I was, he had to do the dishes.  (I know, it's an odd bet.  I know there must have been a reason for it, but off the top of my head I can think of why.  Cut me some slack, I can't even remember why Gloucester got his eyes gabbed out in the first place!) 

When we got home, I went for the VCR, because of course I taped this for future reference, and I'm glad I did.  My dad went strait for his volume of the complete works of Shakespeare.  While I was getting the tape ready I heard my mom in the other room ask my dad what he was doing.  He told her and her response was "It was Gloucester."  When I showed my dad the part of the show that proved me right, (which I of course showed him again, and again and again and again...) he still refused to believe it.  "No! They got it wrong!"

To be fair to my old man, very very very old man, the first Shakespearean play he ever saw was King Lear, and it was imprinted on his memory very vividly.  (My first was twelfth Night. I love that play! No one got their eyes gabbed out that I remember.)  Only problem was, apparently this production he had seen took some creative license and gabbed out King Lear's eyes.  I think they were trying to give poor Gloucester a break.  After all, his parents inflicted him with a terrible name!

But finally he found in his volume of the complete works of Shakespeare (doesn't that alone make him sound smarter?) where it said, and I quote "Your daughter's right" he conceded and did the dishes.  I think he may have even given me a dollar for saving him from no longer laboring under the delusion that King Lear was running around without eyes. 

But the out come of the bet isn't important, what is important was how fun it was to take him down a peg.  I don't know why this brings me so much joy.  Seriously though, my dad is a very wonderful man.

Who cringes every time he hears the name Gloucester.  Maybe I should name one of my twins that.... hmmmm....

*If you've never heard of Huggermugger, count your blessings and say a prayer that you never will. 

*** Note: I had to make a few changes to this blog. One being I had the musical wrong from whence Brush Up Your Shakespeare came from.  I've corrected that. Also I had to change the color that the comments link shows up in because my dad is too old to see it other wise. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

Everyone! Stop what you're doing!

There is a serious problem, injustice, and just down right wrong, practice taking place in our hospitals! I hope you all cut and paste this into an email to be FWD-ed for the rest of man's natural existence because THIS MUST BE STOPPED!

This problem is so serious that we must stop all research into curing cancers, AIDS and all those other things we've been wasting time, money and brain power on, until we solve this one problem.  Even you smart people at NASA, put down your projects and help out with a more than worthy cause!  Those of you trying to come up with a clean, cheap alternative to oil, put down your pencils and start working on something we could all benefit from.  Come on now, I'm sure if we put our minds to it we can come up with a painless catheter! 

I mean it, this is just ridiculous!  We have the technology to survive re-entry into Earth's atmosphere (let alone leave it in the first place), and yet when a nurse needs to get a urine sample millions are put through days of excruciating pain.  Oh I know they say "You'll only feel a slight pinch" and "It may burn a little next time you urinate" but its all lies!  When you stick a tube into a hole God designed to be an out hole, you're going to get a lot more than a pinch and little pain peeing.   You're going to be writhing in pain and screaming on the toilet for the next week at least! 

There is a reason why catheters are painful and its even more upsetting than the pain itself.  It's a secret punishment nurses inflect on us because we dared to have an emergency.  Perhaps this hidden anger comes from having to do twice the work of doctors for a fraction of the pay.  

We have to put a stop to the conspiracy to block catheter improving research! Write to your Governors, Congress Reps, Senators, even the President!  Demand a painless catheter! If we all band together our collective voice will be heard and change will not be far off!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Absolute Zero

Its the elusive temperature that scientist have been trying to get to for decades now, but has always stayed just out of reach.  Well, I've reached it, or at least the Pedialyte freezer pop that's been in my freezer since my first trimester has.  The longer you have it in the freezer the colder it gets apparently.