Saturday, May 16, 2009


I have a question for everyone. (I love doing stuff like this!) And I want some honest answers! 

What is life really about? 

Go on, leave a comment. You don't have to sign up or anything. I really want to know what you all have to say on this one.

What is life really about?


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It is so me!

My father in law saw my blog the other day and said the picture of me on the side isn't me. Of course it took me a while to figure out what he was talking about, but then I realized he must be blind or something. Have I really changed that much?

The thing is, that wasn't that long ago. That was the summer before I got married, when Jeff and I went down to Page so he could meet my parents and we could tell them we were getting married. Sure, I was skinnier but still...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Some thoughts...

I found this quote today on and it really touched me. So much on that sight is just wording thoughts that I haven't taken the chance to say out loud, or when I did, it wasn't understood. Anyway, here's the quote:

"In some cultures it is considered a child's birthright to be nursed until the age of two. It is believed all your sins are forgiven when you nurse your baby, and an angel stands behind you and pats you on the back when you are done. I like to think of an angel standing behind me every time I nurse. It is a very comforting thought when things aren't going well. If you can't get support from your family, at least the angels are behind you."

I don't take all of this as doctrine, or offer it as such, but there are things I've heard, impressions I've had and verses of scripture I've found that support my belief that being a mother is a very sacred thing. And the acts of nurturing children are a big part of that. I understand that not every woman chooses to breast feed. I'm not saying that if you don't you role is less sacred than if you do. But I do consider nursing my babies a sacred selfless act. That in some small way I'm learning what it means for Christ to succor us, to care for our every need, to always be there for us when ever we need him, even if what seems huge to us He knows is but a small thing that will pass quickly. Someone once told me that they knew the love of God because they had a mother. 

Anyway, at the risk of sounding sappy, (why stop now, huh?) as the day approaches that we take a moment to honor Mothers I'd just like to say that there are angels behind each mother, supporting her when no one else will, guiding her instincts and helping her care for her little ones. We need not doubt, we need not fear. 

Happy Mother's Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We have one of those bar height tables and I'm sitting here on one of the stools for it and there's babies swarming around the floor, circling like sharks. Little piranhas ready to attack. Be afraid. Be very afraid.  

Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back Then

Ok, so there's a little blast into the past. This was almost 8 months ago, can you believe it? 
There's Bob, Me and Miles, then Miles, Jeff and Bob, and then Bob and Miles.

awwww! Babies!

Friday, May 1, 2009

East Coast/ West Coast

If you're in NY and you're a jerk, people will tell you "You're being a jerk."

If you're in CA and you're being a jerk, people will still be nice to you, but they'll talk behind your back.

People, just say what you're thinking! Life is easier that way!

Anyway, here's the pics of the day!

Bob in his Bum Genus Diaper.

Jeff Repelling

Me playing with the camera 
while Jeff gets ready to repel.

The kitty loves grandpa
and so does Miles!