Sunday, March 15, 2009

A sad day for us all...

I know it's going to be hard, but on this day we must all pull together for support. As we eat the last of the pies for breakfast, and put away our calculators, and set aside the debates of wether or not the thousandths place digit is 1 or 5 so you can get the banner just right for when the guests arrive, we let another Pi day come to a close. 

It's the hardest time of the year, after all the waiting and preparation and anticipation, then *bam! It's the next day and it's all over and it feels as though we have nothing to show for it but some left over pie. And all you have to look forward to is dieting. 

I can't help but ask, Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we let all the commercialism crowd in on Pi day? Have we forgotten the true meaning of March 14th? A celebration of Pi, the coolest constant of them all? Next year as we decided wither or not to bake the pie from scratch or just go to the bakery 'cause who has time to bake pies, let us take a moment and reflect on 3.14159265358979323846….

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