Thursday, April 16, 2009


I watched Twilight last night (still trying to figure out why it's called Twilight.) and I have to say, I'm not impressed. There was a shocking lack of explosion, making for an unsophisticated movie. I have to say the music matched the lack of anything happening very well though. And what's the deal with having a leading young lady that has less life in her acting than the guy playing the undead? The movie took its sweet time to deliver dialog, then when it came it was all in monotone dead pan. I can only remember one scene where one of main characters even cracked a smile, and that was the undead guy! Not the girl who finally hooked the guy, it was the vampire! I'm mean really people! Are you kidding me? I anxied just about as much as the average 17 year old from AZ, but even I cracked a smile when I saw my boyfriend! You know that scene in Waterwold where the main guy's boat is burned and everything he owns in the world is gone and he finds it and says "my boat". Imagine a whole movie like that. That was Twilight. I said to a friend of mine the other day I'd like to wait for a Rifftrax to come out for it before I watch it. She told me there was no need, it made fun of itself. She described it as one long awkward moment. 

People have been bugging me to read these books for years now and I just have to say, I'm just not interested. Sure, I'll become obsessed with just about anything that comes along, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Michael Fredo and Hello Kitty. Except in the case of Hello Kitty, these obsessions die. For Star Wars it was when Revenge of the Sith came out. For Harry Potter it was after I read book seven. It was like, ok, story's over, move on.  After so many years being obsessed with stuff, frankly, I'm tired. I really can't work up the energy to get all into a new obsession. And don't sit there thinking "but you don't have to become obsessed with it, just read it!" Yeah, and how many people do you know that didn't become obsessed and start swooning over Eddy the Vampire? Not many, huh? I'm not taking my chances. Besides, I'm still just a little bitter that Myers was able to write a book and get published in six months. I'm still trying to finish a book I started over five years ago! 

I have learned a valuable lesson though: never underestimate the buying power of hormonal teenage girls.

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