Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 3

Keep on keepin' on. That's the fly lady task for today. I tried to sign up for the emails 'cause I like emails.... but yahoo's server is taking a break. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. I'm dressed and I did my hair. No kidding! I really did my hair! It's cute too. Oh, and I've lost some weight. I'm kind of between sizes so one pair of pants I can take off without unzipping them, and the others are just bit too tight. I'm wearing the tight ones. Why? Because they'll keep me from sitting too much. 

The babies are eating breakfast and taking a nap. Can I just say, I love breast feeding! I've often wondered about Eve, how she survived with her first kid with only Adam there to help out. I've often wondered how much was trial and error, blind leading the blind. However, over the years I've learned a few things about God. He never leaves us alone. (Even when we shut Him out, He still works to get back to us.) So He gave women tools to help them raise babies. 

The first is Mother's Intuition. We've all heard of it, but what is it? It's the spirit of course! How better to help all mothers everywhere than to give them the spirit to guide them in one of the most important tasks we'll have in this life. There was a bunch of advice being handed out at the hospital when the twins were born. Some of that advice just felt wrong to me. It went against my instincts. Looking back, none of those things worked for us, and only when I stopped doing them and went with my gut did things start to go relatively smooth. So I've learned to trust my own voice, to listen to those promptings, the gut feelings and the instincts. And I've found that so far I'm the kind of mom I've always wanted to be. Joy!

The second tool is breast feeding. I'm not kidding! What a god send! Feeding, comforting, bonding, relaxing, all in a ready made source always with you! Can't figure out why the baby is crying? Pop him on the breast. Can't get him to sleep? Plug him in! Can't calm him down? Have a boob! Sheesh! Not to mention the health benefits for baby and mom! Ever need a testament that God knows what he's doing, look at our own bodies. 

Well, breakfast nap is over, and I can't sit here all day. I need to put on my shoes and shine my sink! Have a moment of Cuteness! Actually, have two!



PS- We had a Milestone and a Bobstone yesterday! Miles did a hands and knees crawl, and Bob stood all by his self! Yea!!


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