Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No, I will not hold!

I hate being put on hold. Not by someone on the phone as someone in the flesh. Like I can't do something because I have to wait for someone to do something first. So I've modified an old saying to solve this problem:

If you want something done now, do it yourself.

Don't whine! Just do it. It's beats waiting.

You really could use a foot massage but your husband won't do it. Oh he doesn't say no, just says he's busy and when he's done with this he will, but three hours later he still isn't done and you've been on hold the whole time. Just give yourself a foot massage! There, it's done and you can move on without the bitter resentment that you husband never does anything for you and blah blah blah (which isn't even true!).

This works with many things, taking out the trash, unloading the dishwasher, buying yourself flowers, mowing the lawn. Stop whining and get to work!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lights, camera, action!

Does life really have to go in that order? My mom and I were talking about the missions we served. Coupled with one of my boys bringing me my old camera, I've had a deep thought. I know, stop the presses.

Why do I feel this need to keep a camera ready at all times? What is with this need to not miss a single photo opp ever?

It just makes me look like a dork. Besides, it's not really me. I'd rather just enjoy the moment then move on to the next.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod